The Last Trimester

Maternity session with Made You Look Studio

The Team

Its wild when you think about how busy a regular third trimester can be, then you multiply that by high risk pregnancy, and you get total chaos. I’m a planner by nature, and being able to plan in between each appointment because each appointment could bring some new complication brought about a circle of hell for me (and lets be real all those who had the pleasure of encountering me) that I had yet to experience. I think the problem is that when you deal with any type of “team” collaboration can get tricky. My team consisted of my regular O.B. a Perinatologist, and a Neonatologist. To make it easy, we have the cucka doctor, the baby in the belly doctor, and the baby out of the belly doctor (you’re welcome)

At my regular 30 week appointment with the “baby in the belly” doctor we found that while all of daisy’s body was measuring normally, her head was becoming fluid filled and measured 36 weeks (6 weeks ahead). Up until now we had not had a jump like this, but we had been warned that this could be a possibility towards the end of the third trimester. We made a plan to re-check in two weeks but to start thinking about what we would do if the growth rate continued to be rapid. I had the option of induction or scheduled C-section, but lets remember although I had had a baby naturally before she was a tiny baby, so this head situation had me a little worried about the exit plan.

Two weeks went by so slowly, but I did realize how much more uncomfortable I was this pregnancy compared to the last. I was having to roll around on a yoga ball like a beached whale while at work, and lived on a heating pad at home. I had a hunch as to what I was going to hear at my next appointment. Sure enough when I was only supposed to be 32 weeks pregnant, Daisy’s head measured a little over 40 weeks. I was given the option of being induced the next day (ummm hellllluuuurrrr I hadn’t even written my sub plans yet!) We decided it would be safer for all involved to schedule a C-section. Two days later after the “Team” discussed all the sciences and two dollar words you can think of they asked me if I would like to have my baby on Monday (mind you, it was Thursday already) It was at this very point I felt all control being relinquished, I was no longer in charge of my vision of the birth plan, it was time to get over it, and plan for what we now knew was coming. Those who know me know I did not take these new orders very well, it may be a damn Pirate Ship, but I am used to commanding my own Ship at all times. I called Billy and asked him if he was busy Monday, he replied he was wide open, so I said :well lets have a baby Monday Morning” to which I was met by awkward silence. I love to take his breath away!


I fervently hope there’s never a reason any of you need to know about these preparations, but I also hope if you have found yourself chosen by God to experience this, that these suggestions make it possible to do so. I had so many beautiful souls come out of the wood works to offer advice or personal experiences and I swear to you I took each and every one to heart. I admire all of you, who had to find your strength to be able to try to make my journey easier. I had previously heard of a company that takes donated wedding gowns and makes them into Angel Gowns for Still born and NICU babies that do not get to leave the hospital with their parents. I contacted Patti Browne of David’s Cradle in Tehachapi and she informed me she had also recently took over the ministries of Kern County Angel Gowns as well. Patti listened to my story, I asked if she could make Daisy a dress and donate the left over parts of my wedding gown to provide for even more Angel Gowns. She was not only nice enough to complete this task she personally picked up my dress and delivered it back to me by Sunday evening, praying with me both times. We decided on keepsakes we wanted made, and to have photo’s done although I previously thought there was no way I wanted those types of reminders for her Birthday every year. Once again the perfect person was placed in my life at the exact time of need. These types of occurrences happened frequently, we would find ourselves in need of a contact or service, and someone would show up or call with the exact thing we were needing. I packed a normal pregnancy bag with all the essentials. I packed preemie clothes, diapers, and an infant car seat in good faith as we were still yet to see our miracle and purpose. I didn’t sleep at all because in true last min fashion I had a huge paper due by Midnight Sunday and had to be up by 4am to wash, get dressed, and head to the hospital. Even God provides beautiful distractions.

Our Sweet Daisy Jean (peep all that hair)

March 2, 2020

We were met at the hospital by a pastor from our church who came to pray with us, yet another example of someone knowing exactly what we needed and providing that for us. The rest is meant for another day and another time after we have had time to heal and reflect. I can tell you we had a longest yet shortest days of our life that day. Some of the most got punching and heart wrenching experiences and feelings we have ever felt, and yet some of the most compassionate, beautiful moments that we will cling to for the rest of our lives. We were blessed with our time with Daisy, she taught us far more than we could ever teach her.