In 2021 My husband, cheeky daughter Dalli and I started #DEEDSFORDAISY. Coming off of a wild unspeakable “Rona” year I had so much anxiety in relation to what I could do to make Daisy’s birthday a day that wasn’t always going to be a source of sadness and trauma. In simple terms how can my family not have a shit day on the 2nd of every March from here on out. In essence this is how Deeds For Daisy came about. I first thought about just taking the day to surprise our friends and family and deliver potted daisy plants for them to grow but I decided on a whim to post about Daisy’s first Heavenly birthday and challenge people to do good deeds and post about them. Ok, Ok, I know we are not supposed to do good works with the sole purpose of telling everyone about it and it was slightly cringe for me to challenge the internet to do anything because I am the furthest thing from a social media mogul you can imagine, but I decided full send ……. I sent it……..
Later that morning after bombarding my innocent husband who just got home from a shift with a garage full of potting soil spilled everywhere, remnants from transferring flowers into cute pots, a half naked Threenager, and a more than slightly anxiety triggered wife, ( have I mentioned that kid is a saint) we set out to have anything but a shit day. As we ran all over town making deliveries, sending coffee gift cards to pay it forward, Venmo prezi’s, any little small source of joy, we started to see the ripples of the good deeds. People were sharing and doing their own deeds all in the name of our sweet babe. For days after Dalli would load up in the morning and ask me what good deeds we were going to do that day and it made my heart so happy to know that we were teaching her about kindness while remembering her little sister. In my mind the day was a success. Was it a sad day? Absolutely, nothing will take away the pain that one feels when they lose someone but spreading some joy was a great bi-product that I didn’t realize would help me so much. So here we are on the eve of Deeds For Daisy 2022, and I hope that some of you might decide to do a warm fuzzy, a kind deed, whatever you may call it and share it so that we may share in your joy!